Teamwork. If you have experience in a corporate environment, you’ve probably heard it preached many times how important teamwork is. How many small contributions can make for a large whole. If so, that is exactly what is happening with the plumbing in many homes. Many small contributing leaks create a large amount of lost water. According to some estimates, as much as 20 gallons of water is lost every day in the average household. That is quite a lot of water! So, what can you do to minimize this waste? The first step is to prioritize the leaks that have the biggest impact. Usually, they will be found where two pipes are joined together or around the fixtures of your home.
It is important to remember that water can travel quite far along a pipe, so the location where you see water dripping off a pipe might not be the spot you should be looking at.
Often, you will need a plumber to fix these leaks for you, but in some cases, they might be done as a DIY project.